2003年3月--2006年6月 我校,工学博士
1997年9月--2000年6月 华东师范大学,理学硕士
1. 采用基因工程技术,对多肽分子基因进行克隆、基因突变,转入大肠杆菌、酵母或动物细胞等表达体系进行大规模表达。为研究重组蛋白分子的作用机理,性质改良等进行体内、外的研究工作,为新药的开发提供实验基础。
2. 蛋白质或多肽的非天然氨基酸定点修饰,采用密码子的扩展技术获得非天然氨基酸的编码单元,利用基因工程的手段获得指定位点非天然氨基酸修饰的蛋白质或多肽,为新型蛋白质或药物的开发开拓应用技术,也为生物体内翻译后修饰蛋白质的生物功能的研究提供便利工具。
1. Xiujuan Xin*, Jing Zhang, Yaning Chang, Yixin Wu. Association Study of TAC3 and TACR3 Gene Polymorphisms with Precocious Puberty of Chinese Girl. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. 28(1-2):65-71, 2015
2. Xiujuan Xin; Wenshe Liu; Liyun Sun*. Improving the Bioactivity of rHirudin with Boronophenylalanine Site-Specific Modification. Molecular Medicine Reports. 11(5):3774-9, 2015
3. Liyun sun; yuxia zhao; shaohua gu; yumin mao; chaoneng ji; xiujuan xin*. Regulation of HMOX1 genes by the transcription factor AP-2δ with unique DNA binding site. Molecular Medicine Reports. 10(1), 423-8, 2014
4. Xiujuan Xin, Junhua Xiao﹡, Xiaohui Luan, Yuxun Zhou, Daru Lu, Dongzhi Wei﹡, Shengli Yang. Association Study of Six Activity SNPs in adrenal steroid hormone Metabolism and IBM related genes with Precocious Puberty in Chinese Girls, Neuroendocrinology Letters, 27, 219-224, 2006
5. Junhua Xiao, Xiujuan Xin, Xiaohui Luan, Dongzhi Wei﹡, Shengli Yang. A Modified Simple PCR-RFLP Method for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Typing, Genetic molecular biology, 29, 562-565, 2006
6. Xiujuan Xin, Jianwen Liu, Xing Li,Jianjiang Zhong, Dongzhi Wei. Extraction of 20(S)-ginsenoside Rg2 from cultured Panax notoginseng cells in vitro stimulates human umbilical cord vein endothelial cell proliferation. American Journal of therapeutics, 13(3):205-210, 2006
7. Xiujuan Xin, Xiaohui Luan, Junhua Xiao*, Dongzhi Wei, Jianhui Wang, Daru Lu and Shengli Yang. Association study of four activity SNPs of CYP3A4 with the precocious puberty in Chinese girls, Neuroscience Letters, 381, 284-288, 2005
8. Xiujuan Xin, Jianjiang Zhong, Dongzhi Wei﹡ and Jianwen Liu﹡. Protection effect of 20(S)-ginsenoside Rg2 extracted from cultured Panax notoginseng cells on hydrogen Peroxide-induced cytotoxity of human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells in vitro, Process Biochemistry, 40, 3202-3205, 2005.
9. Xiujuan Xin, Dongzhi Wei﹡, Changsong Dong, Wenyu Zhou, Jianwen Liu. Effect of modification of L-asparaginase by chitosan on enzyme activity and antigenity, Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 28,380-382, 2002
10.Xiujuan Xin; Jie Bao﹡. Effect of pyk gene location on constructing dATP conversion E. coli strain. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 4, 75-80, 2013
11. Jianming Liu; Xiujuan Xin; Chunxiu Li; Jianhe Xu; Jie Bao﹡. Cloning of Thermostable Cellulase Genes of Clostridium thermocellum and Their Secretive Expression in Bacillus subtilis. Apply Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 166, 652-662, 2012
12. Shuhong Gao, Jie Bao﹡, XiaoMing Gu, XiuJuan Xin, ChangHua Chen, Dewey D.Y. Ryu. Substrate promiscuity of pyruvate kinase on various deoxynucleoside diphosphates for synthesis of deoxynucleoside triphosphates, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 43,455-459, 2008
13. 王晓凤;张建;辛秀娟;鲍杰﹡. 丝状真菌Amorphotheca resinae ZN1的糠醛降解代谢分析. 生物工程学报, 9, 1070-1079, 2012
14. 王远;高秋强;辛秀娟*;鲍杰*。β-葡萄糖苷酶基因和内切葡聚糖酶基因在枯草芽孢杆菌WB800中的表达。应用与环境生物学报. 19( 6 ),990-996,2013
15. 王晓凤,辛秀娟.基因表达与mRNA结构的关系. 动物学报, 2010,20(6)69-74, 2010
16. 辛秀娟,张惠展。问题教学法在植物生理学实验教学中的应用。《高校生物学教学研究》。2013.6月3(2):55-58.
17. 辛秀娟,范立强,蒋宇。“互动式”生理学教学模式的应用及体会。教育教学论坛。2015年2月 7:173-174.
1. 张宁,魏东芝,刘建文,辛秀娟. 胡黄连中环烯醚萜苷类化合物的富集方法,2002.11,中国,CNZL 021 11626.1
2. 段梅莉,辛秀娟,鲍杰,冀亚飞,英智威,李慧. 一种脱氧核苷三磷酸的分离提纯方法,2010. 1,中国, 200810040986.X.
3. 辛秀娟;肖君华;肖振贤;魏东芝;栾晓辉。一组引物及其设计方法和在单核苷酸多态性检测中的应用, 2005.01,中国,CN1560276